Busted! Don’t Believe These Appliance Usage And Repair Myths!

Author: S.V. Appliance Repair | | Categories: Appliance Installation , Dishwasher Technician , Home Appliance Repair Service , Household Items Repair , Refrigerator Technician , Washing Machine Technician

Blog by S.V. Appliance Repair

Technology has given rise to several appliances that make our lives convenient, comfortable, and safer. We have all come to depend so much on these devices and systems that their sudden breakdown or disfunction can bring our lives to a screeching halt.

To ensure our trusted appliances don’t give up on us when we need them the most, it is vital to understand how to use them efficiently. Moreover, we need to determine ways to make them last a long time to save money. Unfortunately, there are several myths about the different appliances we use, from dishwashers to heating systems, and falling prey to these falsehoods can negatively impact the longevity of our appliances.

To help you steer clear of some basic misconceptions, S.V. Appliance Repair has debunked some of the most widely believed myths about appliance usage and repairs.

Myth 1: Buying is cheaper than repairing
One of the most common myths relating to home appliance repair is that buying a new appliance will be cheaper than repairing an old one. This is not necessarily true. First of all, you need to order a new appliance, the delivery of which can take from a few weeks to several months. Meanwhile, you need to get rid of the old appliance, and this is an additional cost. Finally, depending on what it is, installing the new appliance will also have its costs, and buying a new appliance is generally four times the expense when compared to repair.

Myth 2: Hot water cleans your clothes better
When using a washing machine, people think the temperature of the water significantly affects the quality of the washed laundry. While this does have some merit, when choosing a mode for washing, do not assume that if the water is hot, then the laundry will automatically become cleaner. In reality, hot water can damage the laundry. Before using the washing machine, it is worth reading the instructions attached, which clearly indicate how to use the different washing modes and which ones are recommended for silk, cotton, knitwear, and various other fabrics. If you select the correct mode, the washing machine will choose the washing parameters recommended for this type of laundry, including the optimal water temperature.

Myth 3: The dryer consumes too much energy
Of course, like other household appliances, the dryer is powered by electricity. But, the use of new technologies in new models of dryers has significantly reduced energy consumption. Modern dryers from manufacturers such as Samsung are classified in the A +++ energy class meaning energy consumption is kept at an absolute minimum.

If you’re looking to steer clear of these and other appliance myths, reach out to S.V. Appliance Repair. We provide home appliance repairs and installation services throughout London, Ontario, and we are happy to add more clients to the mix. We offer three months of warranty on all of the services we provide because we are confident that we provide our clients with the best. We have been running for more than half a decade now and have a wide range of services.

For a complete list of our services, please click here. If you have any questions about S.V. Appliance Repair, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us here.

